community · diaspora · scholars

renewed in an aswad-kinda way

Still basking in the light of the Association for the Worldwide Study of the African Diaspora (ASWAD) meeting, which was held this past week in Williamsburg, VA. There are few words to capture how uplifted one feels at this event. While at the airport, preparing to return home, I spoke to Siima Itabaaza, an independent… Continue reading renewed in an aswad-kinda way

British History · diaspora · history · music

music and race in the uk

You know it’s getting getting getting kinda hectic (Snap/The Power for us old skul types) when you are prepping for a new course called “Race and Music in the UK”, your first for your university’s  Alabama at Oxford study abroad program, and a pile of books to be considered keeps getting taller and taller. How… Continue reading music and race in the uk